The timing belt is one of the most crucial parts of the vehicles. You can't get any kind of signs for weak timing belts or the damaged Car Timing Belt. This thing does not make any kind of noise or leaks that could provide a sign. Sometimes our car suddenly stops at one place and does not start even after too many tries, this may be the case of the timing belt.
Many people have their own cars but owning a car is not a big job, the most important thing is maintenance. Many people buy a car but don't give the proper time to maintain it. The car timing belt is one of the most crucial parts of the vehicle. This belt just works as the linkage between the crankshaft and camshaft. The opening and closing of the valve completely depend on this belt. This belt is located in the engine of the car. In the case of the damaged vale, your car will not run smoothly.
The maintenance of the car timing belt is really important. The damaged car timing belt can result in a collision between various other car parts like the valves, cylinder head, cylinder walls and pistons. The belt is the most important one that helps to prevent such incidents. This belt is used to sync the mechanism of the engine every time the car is in motion. Two crankshaft pulleys are used for resting purpose of belt and each of this thing contains a timing mark. Make sure the timing marks are arranged properly as per the timing specification of the car. At last, the pulleys are used to prevent the belt from slipping off or sliding around the pulleys. These are some of the most important things required for the appropriate running of the car.
The manufacturing process of belt consists of rubber and that's why at high temperature it can break. Once the heat penetrates to the belt, it harms the teeth of the belt. To prevent this thing, you should regularly check the condition of the timing belt. Ask your mechanic to check the condition of the timing -belt. If he suggests you change the belt, do it immediately. Because delay in this process might put you in big trouble in-between your journey.